PUBLISHED ON 8 June 2021 BY Hubert Beroche

Each week, Urban AI presents you one member of its Scientific Committee. For our second episode, we interviewed Nuria Oliver. Nuria is Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Advisor of ELLIS Unit Alicante …

PUBLISHED ON 8 June 2020 BY Hubert Beroche

Yoshua Bengio is one of the world’s leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence and a pioneer in deep learning.  Since 1993, he has been a professor at the Department of Computer …

PUBLISHED ON 6 December 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

Max Welling is a research chair in Machine Learning at the University of Amsterdam and a VP Technologies at Qualcomm. He is also the co-founder of “Scyfer BV” a start-up specialized in deep …

PUBLISHED ON 14 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

François Chollet is a sofwtare engineer at Google and the author of Keras, a leading deep learning framework used by more than 350,000 people around the world. He also wrote “Deep learning …

PUBLISHED ON 11 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

Founder and president of the SAT and rewarded with the Bâtisseuse du XXIe siècle award by the city of Montreal, Monique Savoie is one of the major influencers in the world of digital art. Could you …

PUBLISHED ON 11 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

What is social physics ? How AI can help us build better neighborhood ? To answer these questions (and many others), I’ve met Alex “Sandy” Pentland, Director of the MIT Connection …

PUBLISHED ON 11 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

Saskia Sassen is the Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology and Member of The Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University. Internationally recognized for her work on globalization, immigration …

PUBLISHED ON 11 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

Carlos Moreno, an internationally recognized expert on smart city and sustainable city, shared with me his vision of AI and cities. You often talk about the “Quarter Hour City”. Could you tell us …

PUBLISHED ON 11 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

How can AI help us create more walkable cities? What does the future of mobility look like? To answer these questions (and many others!) I’ve interviewed Andres Sevtsuk, Director of Harvard’s …

PUBLISHED ON 8 October 2019 BY Hubert Beroche

Philosopher, essayist and President of the Think Tank Generation Libre, Gaspard Koenig made a journey to the heart of artificial intelligence ! In his latest book, he discusses the promises and risks …